Wednesday, September 04, 2013

NoSQL for Customer Hub MDM

The following article on informationweek is an interesting read on the use of MongoDB NoSQL for building a customer MDM solution.

MongoDB being a document oriented NoSQL database has its core strength in maintaining flexible schemas and storing data as JSON or BSON objects. Lets look at the pros and cons of using MongoDB as a MDM solution.
  1. One of the fundamental challenges faced is creating a customer hub is the aggregation of disparate data from a variety of different sources. For e.g. a customer could have bought a number of products from an insurance firm. Using a traditional RDBMS would entail complexities of joining the table records and fulfilling all the referential constraints of the data. Also each insurance product may have different fields and dimensions. Should we create a table for each product type? In MongoDB, you can store all the policies of the customer in one JSON object. You can store different types of policy for each customer with full flexibility and maintain a natural hierarchy (parent-child) of relationships. 

  2. Another problem that Insurance firms face is that of legacy policy records. Certain insurance products such as Annuity have a long life period,but a lot of regulations and business needs change over the years and your old policy records may not have all the fields that are captured in new policy records. How do you handle such cases? Having a strict schema would not help and hence a solution like MongoDB offers the necessary flexibility to store spare data. 

  3. MongoDB also has an edge in terms of low TCO for scalability and performance. Its auto-sharding capabilities enable massive horizontal scalability. It also supports OOTB memory-mapped files that is of tremendous help with the prominence of 64-bit computing and tons of available RAM. 
On the negative side, I am a bit concerned about the integrity of data in the above solution. Since there is no referential integrity, are we 100% confident on the accuracy of data? We would still need to use data profiling, data cleansing and data matching tools to find out unique customers and remove duplicates. 
Metlife is using this customer hub only for agents and has not exposed this data to the customers as there are concerns about data integrity and accuracy. But what if we need to enable the customer to self-service all his policies from a single window on the organizations portal ? We cannot show invalid data to the customer. 
Also from a skills perspective, MongoDB needs specialized resources.Its easy to use and develop, but for performance tuning and monitoring you need niche skills. 

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